Before considering and finalizing a deal, it is mandatory that all the assumptions are made with respect to that deal. Multiple rounds of brainstorming are required, especially in Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), a lot of thought and planning, especially with regards to the health of the company has to be acquired. Such studies require a large number of parameters.

CGV analyses and validates all the financial, commercial, operational, and strategic assumptions that have been made. We use our highly knowledgeable experts experience and opinions to form a view of the future. Our Financial due diligence provides peace of mind to both corporate and financial buyers, as we have been successful in confirming that there are no ‘loopholes’ in the deals.

As a part of financial due diligence, we carry out revenue and market due diligence, synergy validation, maintainable earnings, future cash flows, and all operational issues, as well as monitoring and control in order to ensure returns.